Steve and Beth Herold have announced that as of December 31, 2022, they are retiring from serving at MESA’s Food Pantry. They have been volunteering and working at the Food Pantry since 2012. During the past ten years, they have been the face and point of contact for many of MESA’s clients, volunteers, food suppliers, and donors, welcoming all who connect with MESA and the food pantry. As former members of Peace Community Church and now Bear Creek United Methodist Church, Steve, and Beth have done an excellent job as MESA Ambassadors. Steve was a former Board of Director for HNwCC, now MESA-OUTREACH, and since 2017 has been MESA’s chief speaker to Bear Creek Rotary, Bear Creek AARP, various NCL gatherings, Charity Guild of Catholic Women, and more. Beth became the Assistant Food Pantry Manager for MESA-OUTREACH on October 1, 2020, after she and Steve had retired. Little did they know that her part-time job would consume their spare time quickly and play havoc on their knees and backs. Through it all, their love and devotion for people in need and their caring hearts have been shining examples of Christ’s love given freely to all. It has been a blessing for all of us to know and work with each of them. They have been a wonderful blessing to MESA, and the Herolds will be greatly missed. We hope you enjoy your second retirement and hope you will keep in touch and come by the pantry to volunteer or share a story again soon.