Curbside Sign Up

The MESA-OUTREACH, INC. Food Pantry is currently serving the following zip codes: 77449, 77095, 77084, 77433, 77041, 77043, 77094 & 77079. We are open for distribution on Thursdays, the first four weeks of the month – by appointment only, from 10 AM-2 PM for Seniors, and from 4:30-7:00 PM for all other families.
The Houston Food Bank Produce Truck is available the third Saturday of each month from 8:30-11:00 AM, no appointment required.
To register for an appointment, please click the link above or scan the QR code.


The MESA-OUTREACH, INC. Food Pantry is located on the north side of Bear Creek UMC parking lot.  MESA’s Food Pantry provides emergency food assistance to food insufficient families, individuals, and seniors in need.  As a partner organization of the Houston Food Bank, families or individuals in need of assistance are asked to bring a current photo ID, proof of income, proof of address, and complete the Houston Food Bank form to register with MESA-OUTREACH, INC. 

MESA’s Food Pantry currently serves the following zip codes: 77449, 77095, 77084, 77433, 77041, 77043, 77094 & 77079 for families. We are open for distribution every Thursday, the first 4 weeks of the month, from 10 AM-2 PM for Seniors and 4:30-7:00 PM for all other families, by appointment only. The Houston Food Bank Produce Truck is available the third Saturday of each month from 8:30-11 AM, no appointment required.

The pantry is located on the north side of the Bear Creek United Methodist Church parking lot at 16000 Rippling Water Drive, Houston, Texas 77084.


Questions & Other Information

If you have any questions, please email or call 281-599-8536.